#include "320controller.h" #include "main.h" /* * Function for setting color of the house */ void set_house(int box, int red, int green); /* * All the patterns that the bushes can do */ void test_bushes(); void follow_the_leader(void); void train(void); void move_in(void); void time_warp(void); void random_change(void); void rotate_in (void); void rotate_colors (void); void cycle_colors(void); void fill_from_right(void); void compete(double pause, double step, double threshold); void slide_down(void); void flash_bushes(int red, int green, int blue, int white, int cnt, double delay, double start); /* * There are 6 bushes. Each bush can * be one of 4 colors. The bushes are boxes * 1-4. (From left to right 3, 2, 1, 4) * * Positions 6 and 7 of boxes 2 and 4 are used * for the spot lights on the house. */ void *bushes_main(void *args) { time_t now_t; struct tm *now; int loop_counter = 0; int i; //Testing //test_bushes(); //Testing while(1) { time(&now_t); now = localtime(&now_t); /* * During the day (8am-5pm): make sure all boxes are off. * From 5pm - 11pm: run the standard display on the bushes * From 11pm-6am: just have the spotlights on the house */ while ( ( now->tm_hour == 7 && now->tm_min > 59) || ( (now->tm_hour > 7) && now->tm_hour < 17) ) /* 7:59am - 5pm */ { if (skip_time_check) { break; } boxs[1] = 0; boxs[2] = 0; boxs[3] = 0; boxs[4] = 0; sprintf(message, "Sleeping 2 minutes (%d:%02d)\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min); write_data(.1); sleep(120); time(&now_t); now = localtime(&now_t); /* * This is reset just to make sure loop_counter doesn't go * beyond the size of an int. (Very unlikely to happen, but * oh well.) */ loop_counter = 0; } /* End 7:59am - 5pm */ while ( (now->tm_hour == 23) || /* 11pm - 6am */ (now->tm_hour >=0 && now->tm_hour <6) ) { if (skip_time_check) { break; } boxs[1] = 0; boxs[1] = 0; boxs[2] = 0; boxs[3] = 0; boxs[4] = 0; /* * Alternate house colors (spot lights) */ set_house(1, loop_counter %2, (loop_counter+1)%2); set_house(2, loop_counter %2, (loop_counter+1)%2); sprintf (message, "House Only (%d:%02d) - %d\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, loop_counter); write_data(.1); sleep(120); time(&now_t); now = localtime(&now_t); loop_counter++; } /* End 11pm-6am */ /* * 5PM - 11PM, 6am - 7:30am */ do_it_bushes(); loop_counter = 0; } /* End While(1) */ } /* End Bushes_main */ /* * * This is where the work is actually done * */ void do_it_bushes(void) { int i; /* * Message to display on screen when write_data is called */ strcpy(message,"ALL ON ALL ON ALL ON ALL ON ALL ON\n"); flash_bushes(ON,ON, ON, ON, 22, .85, 1.5); for (i=1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,ON,ON,ON,ON); } set_house(1, ON, ON); set_house(2, ON, ON); write_data(5); cycle_colors(); compete(2, .85, .2); fill_from_right(); random_change(); set_house(1,OFF, OFF); set_house(2,OFF, OFF); follow_the_leader(); rotate_in(); flash_bushes(OFF,OFF, OFF, ON, 12, .65, 1.5); write_data(1.5); train(); set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, OFF, ON); move_in(); rotate_colors(); random_change(); time_warp(); flash_bushes(OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 2, .3, .3); /* Turn everything off */ } /* End do_it_bushes */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* * Cycle Through Colors (red, blue, green, white) * This function changes the bushes pausing * for one second after each bush. */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ void cycle_colors() { int i; set_house(1, ON, OFF); set_house(2, ON, OFF); strcpy(message,"Cycle Colors - RED RED RED RED RED\n"); for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); write_data(1); } strcpy(message,"BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE \n"); for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,ON,OFF); write_data(1); } set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, OFF, ON); strcpy(message,"GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN \n"); for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); write_data(1); } strcpy(message,"WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE \n"); for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,OFF,ON); write_data(1); } /* * Pause with all while for a extra * 3 seconds */ write_data(3); } /* End Cycle Colors */ /* * Function fill from Right * * This function provides a sliding motion where * which results in the bushes eventually being all * one color. */ void fill_from_right() { int i, j; double pause; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* * Fill Green from Right */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ strcpy(message,"Fill Green from Right\n"); pause = .5; set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, OFF, ON); set_bush(1,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); write_data(1); for (j=1; j < 7; j++) { for (i=6; i >= j; i--) { set_bush(i, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF); set_bush(i+1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); } } write_data(2); /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Fill Blue from Right */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ strcpy(message,"Fill Blue from Right\n"); pause = .5; flash_bushes(OFF,ON, OFF, OFF, 5, 1, .35); set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, ON, OFF); for (j=1; j < 7; j++) { for (i=6; i >= j; i--) { set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, ON, OFF); set_bush(i+1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); } } write_data(2); flash_bushes(OFF,OFF, ON, OFF, 5, 1, .35); } /* End Fill From Right */ /* * Function: Slide_down * * With a .2 second delay, just * change the colors of all 6 bushes. */ void slide_down() { int i; strcpy(message,"Slide Down\n"); for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(.2); } set_house(1, ON, OFF); set_house(2, ON, OFF); write_data(5); flash_bushes(OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 2, .1, .3); /* Turn everyting off */ for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF); write_data(.2); } set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, OFF, ON); write_data(5); flash_bushes(OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 2, .1, .3); /* Turn everyting off */ for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, ON, OFF); write_data(.2); } set_house(1, OFF, ON); set_house(2, ON, OFF); write_data(5); flash_bushes(OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 2, .1, .3); /* Turn everyting off */ for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, OFF, ON); write_data(.2); } set_house(1, ON, ON); set_house(2, ON, ON); write_data(10); flash_bushes(OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, 2, 3, .3); /* Turn everyting off */ } /* End of Slide down */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* * Random Change * * Randomly change the color of each bush with * a .75 second delay untill you have all * bushes being the same color. Once that is * done, do it again with another color. */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ void random_change() { int history[10]; /* For Random */ int i, j; int c[10]; int bush; double pause = .75; strcpy(message,"Random Change\n"); set_house(1, ON, ON); set_house(2, ON, ON); /* * Set color control * ----------------- * This is a trick I do with modules(%) * to rotate through the different colors * without using different code */ c[0] = OFF; c[1] = OFF; c[2] = OFF; c[3] = ON; /* * Loop through all colors */ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { /* * Set History Zero * ---------------- * The history is used to make sure each time * we do a random change that we are changing * a bush that hasn't already been changed. */ for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { history[i] = 0; set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); } write_data(1); for (i=1; i < 7; i++) { while (1) { bush = random() % 6 + 1; if (history[bush] == 0) break; } history[bush] = 1; /* * The modules trick */ if (j == 4) set_bush(bush,ON, ON, ON, ON); else set_bush(bush, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); write_data(pause); } /* End for (i=1... */ write_data(4); } /* End for (j = ) */ } /* End change_random */ /* * Function: Rotate_in * * Start at both ends and make the end bushes * each color with a .5 second delay. Once the * end pushes have gone through each color, set * the end bushes to all colors. * * Do the same thing with the middle bushes, and * then the inter most bushes. * * Once all that is done, reverse the process. */ void rotate_in() { int i; int j; int c[10]; double pause = .5; c[0] = ON; c[1] = OFF; c[2] = OFF; c[3] = OFF; strcpy(message,"Rotate in\n"); for (i=1; i < 7; i++) set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(1); for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { set_bush(i, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); set_bush(7-i, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); write_data(pause); } set_bush(i, ON, ON, ON, ON); set_bush(7-i, ON, ON, ON, ON); write_data(pause); } write_data(4); /* * Reverse the process */ for (i = 3; i >= 1; i--) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { set_bush(i, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); set_bush(7-i, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); write_data(pause); } set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); set_bush(7-i, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); } write_data(1.5); } /* End Rotate_in */ /* * Function: Rotate_colors * * Starting at the right, make each bush rotate through * all the colors and then choose one to stay on. * Repeat the process a few times. */ void rotate_colors(void){ int i; int j; int k; int c[10]; double pause = .2; c[0] = ON; c[1] = OFF; c[2] = OFF; c[3] = OFF; c[4] = ON; strcpy(message,"Rotate Colors\n"); for(i = 1; i < 7; i++) set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(1); for (k = 1; k < 6; k++) { for (i = 6; i >= 1; i--) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { set_bush(i, c[j%4], c[(j+1)%4], c[(j+2)%4], c[(j+3)%4]); write_data(pause); } if (k == 5) set_bush(i, ON, ON, ON, ON); else set_bush(i, c[k%5], c[(k+1)%5], c[(k+2)%5], c[(k+3)%5]); write_data(pause); } /* End for (i=6 ...) */ write_data(1); } /* End for k=1 .... */ write_data(1); } /* End Rotate_Colors */ /* * Function: Flash_Bushes * * Flash the specified colors on and then off looping * for the specified count changing the delay with the * specified amounts. */ void flash_bushes(int red, int green, int blue, int white, int cnt, double delay, double start) { int i, j; double pause = start; strcpy(message, "Flash\n"); for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { set_house(1, red, green); set_house(2, red, green); for (j=1; j < 7; j++) set_bush(j,red,green,blue, white); write_data(pause); set_house(1, OFF, OFF); set_house(2, OFF, OFF); for (j=1; j < 7; j++) set_bush(j,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); write_data(pause); pause = pause * delay; } } /* End Flash */ /* * Function: Move In * * Make bushes appear to rotate in towards * the middle. */ void move_in() { int i; int c[4]; double pause = 1; c[0] = ON; c[1] = OFF; c[2] = OFF; c[3] = OFF; strcpy(message,"Move In\n"); for (i=1; i < 7; i++) set_bush(i, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(.5); for (i=4; i < 100; i++) { set_bush(1, c[(i-0)%4], c[(i-1)%4], c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4]); set_bush(6, c[(i-0)%4], c[(i-1)%4], c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4]); set_bush(2, c[(i-1)%4], c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4], c[(i-0)%4]); set_bush(5, c[(i-1)%4], c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4], c[(i-0)%4]); set_bush(3, c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4], c[(i-0)%4], c[(i-1)%4]); set_bush(4, c[(i-2)%4], c[(i-3)%4], c[(i-0)%4], c[(i-1)%4]); write_data(pause); pause = pause * 31/32; } sleep(3); } /* End Move In */ /* * Function: Train * * Send one green bush across a heard set, * then send two, three, etc. * * Once full, reduce the process going backwards. */ void train() { int i, j, k; int length; double pause = .5; strcpy(message,"Train\n"); for(i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); } set_house(1, ON, OFF); set_house(2, ON, OFF); length = 0; for (i=12; i < 72; i++) { if (i%12 == 0) length++; set_bush(i%12 + 1, OFF, ON, ON, OFF); set_bush((i-length)%12 + 1, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); } sleep(3); /* * Reverse the process */ for (i=71; i >= 12; i--) { if (i%12 == 0) { set_bush((i+length)%12 -3, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF); /* Will be left */ length--; } set_bush(i%12 -3, OFF, ON, ON, OFF); set_bush((i+length)%12 -3, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); } strcpy(message,"Done Train\n"); } /* End Train */ /* * Function: follow_the_leader * * One Red, Blue, and Green spot loop around * all of the bushes. Speeding up as they go. */ void follow_the_leader() { int i; double pause; strcpy(message,"Follow the Leader\n"); for(i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); } set_house(1, ON, OFF); set_house(2, OFF, ON); write_data(.2); pause = 1; for (i = 4; i< 70; i++) { set_bush( (i%6) + 1, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF); set_bush( ((i-1)%6) +1, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF); set_bush( ((i-2)%6) +1, OFF, OFF, ON, OFF); set_bush( ((i-3)%6) +1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); set_bush( ((i-4)%6) +1, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF); write_data(pause); pause = pause * .95; if (pause < .1) pause = .1; } } /* End Follow the Leader */ /* * Function: Time Warp * * Change all bushes between red, green, * and blue. Make the change quicker * until about .1 second delay, then * start slowing it down until original * speed is found. */ void time_warp() { int i; int j; int counter=0; int c[10]; double pause = 1.5; double step = .95; c[0] = ON; c[1] = OFF; c[2] = OFF; c[3] = OFF; strcpy(message,"Time Warp\n"); /* * Turn Off */ for(i = 1; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); } write_data(.2); for (i = 1; i < 40; i++) { for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) { set_bush(j,c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3], c[(counter+2)%3], OFF); set_house(1, c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3]); set_house(2, c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3]); } counter++; write_data(pause); pause = pause * step; } /* * Reverse (Make delays longer). */ step = 1.0526; for (i = 1; i < 40; i++) { for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) { set_bush(j,c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3], c[(counter+2)%3], OFF); set_house(1, c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3]); set_house(2, c[counter%3], c[(counter+1)%3]); } counter++; write_data(pause); pause = pause * step; } } /* End Time Warp */ /* * Function: Compete * * This function has the "red" side of the house * (right) go up against the "green" side of the house * (left) * * Start with a delay of "pause", loop changing * pause by step, and stop the process when the * pause reaches threshold */ void compete(double pause, double step, double threshold) { int i; int c[10]; c[0] = OFF; c[1] = ON; strcpy(message, "Compete\n"); while (pause > threshold) { set_bush(1,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_house(1,ON,OFF); set_house(2,OFF,OFF); write_data(pause); set_bush(1,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_house(1,OFF,OFF); set_house(2,OFF,ON); write_data(pause); pause *= step; } /* * Repeat last bit a few times */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { set_bush(1,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_house(1,ON,OFF); set_house(2,OFF,OFF); write_data(pause); set_bush(1,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_house(1,OFF,OFF); set_house(2,OFF,ON); write_data(pause); } /* * HOLD both sides on. */ set_bush(1,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(2,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(3,ON,OFF,OFF,OFF); set_bush(4,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(5,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_bush(6,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF); set_house(1,ON,OFF); set_house(2,OFF,ON); write_data(3); } /* End Function: Compete */ /* * set_house * * Set (in memory) the value for a single house light. * Using this function allows the representation of the * house to change. */ void set_house(int side, int red, int green) { if (side == 1) { if (red) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 32; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~32 & 255); if (green) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 64; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~64 & 255); } else if (side == 2) { if (red) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 32; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~32 & 255); if (green) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 64; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~64 & 255); } } /* End function: set_house */ /* * set_bush() * * Set (in memory) the value for a single bush * The use of this function is solely to allow for * the bushes to be represented by boxes differently * in the future. */ void set_bush(int bush, int red, int green, int blue, int white) { if (bush == 1) { if (red) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 1; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~1 & 255); if (green) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 2; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~2 & 255); if (blue) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 4; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~4 & 255); if (white) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 8; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~8 & 255); } else if (bush == 2) { if (red) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 16; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~16 & 255); if (green) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 32; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~32 & 255); if (blue) boxs[3] = boxs[3] | 64; else boxs[3] = boxs[3] & (~64 & 255); if (white) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 1; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~1 & 255); } else if (bush == 3) { if (red) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 2; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~2 & 255); if (green) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 4; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~4 & 255); if (blue) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 8; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~8 & 255); if (white) boxs[2] = boxs[2] | 16; else boxs[2] = boxs[2] & (~16 & 255); } else if (bush == 4) { if (red) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 1; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~1 & 255); if (green) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 2; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~2 & 255); if (blue) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 4; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~4 & 255); if (white) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 8; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~8 & 255); } else if (bush == 5) { if (red) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 16; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~16 & 255); if (green) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 32; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~32 & 255); if (blue) boxs[1] = boxs[1] | 64; else boxs[1] = boxs[1] & (~64 & 255); if (white) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 1; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~1 & 255); } else if (bush == 6) { if (red) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 2; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~2 & 255); if (green) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 4; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~4 & 255); if (blue) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 8; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~8 & 255); if (white) boxs[4] = boxs[4] | 16; else boxs[4] = boxs[4] & (~16 & 255); } } /* End Function: set_bush */ void test_bushes() { int i, j; int red =0; int green =0; int blue =0; int white =0; while(1) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { red = green = blue = white = 0; if (j == 0) { strcpy(message,"RED\n"); red = 1; } if (j == 1) { strcpy(message,"Green\n"); green = 1; } if (j == 2) { strcpy(message,"Blue\n"); blue = 1; } if (j == 3) { strcpy(message,"White\n"); white = 1; } for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,red,green,blue,white); write_data(1); } sleep(5); for (i=0; i < 7; i++) { set_bush(i,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF); } strcpy(message,"Off\n"); write_data(1); } } } /* LocalWords: int cnt args struct tm localtime pm boxs printf strcpy */